Scam Of Earning Online Money in 2 Minutes

  As The Digital Era is going on People are looking Forward to Earn Money online Without Hustling Any efforts and Watching a screen for few Hours or minutes and earn millions of dollars .............

But For this people traffic for earning Money online is Increasing Very fast and many scammer s  took part in this.................They have Created Long Posts and Videos About how to earn money online and scamming by this


How the scam Of Earning Online begins? Let me Explain 

First thing Scammers Do is make a detailed Video of 

HOW TO EARN MONEY ONLINE IN JUST ONE HOUR AND EARN 2 LAKH RUPEES IN JUST 1HOUR by seeing this Title and thumbnail of Video People Are shocked And they click the video as Scammers Need us to see this as we see he explains the Website or apps in that video and shows tricks to earn from that but that is just a beginning of scammer now THEY WILL SHOW YOU PAYMENT PROOFS Like from Apps they have earned this much lakhs in just few Minutes by just playing a games for 5 to 10 minutes 

Now step 2 begins of Believing in Scammers Apps

The scammer will show you all that in which we will believe and start dreaming of money from that and don't trust in our hardwork process while the scammers will do fake promises of making money and show that this man earned millions of money from this and this woman earned lakhs of money by just clicking this here the real scams begins🗣️

Step 3🫥- Taking You All To Website And Login To Google account in Website 

By watching the Full Video You all Start Believing In that apps or website you see in the videos then you click on that link and go to other pages now as Scammers told in that video by just login in d playing this and that you will earn you blindly goes into the website and Start Login your Google account in that Website and the notification in between pop up like Accept This Cookies for Continuing the website and without seeing the real meaning or reading the terms and conditions of cookies you all simply accept the cookies and go further on 

Step 4- Exposing the Cookies On Website 

This scammers misuse cookies to track your online behavior for targeted scams. By accepting cookies on a scam website, you provide them with information to tailor fraudulent messages or exploit vulnerabilities. 

Step 5- Fake Information Of Earning By Website 

As we Login into website They Will Tell you To topup Money for earning from this and playing this games but the videos by which you have arrived in this was faking by telling you to earn money by 0 zero investment but by this you are disappointed but some people blindly believed in this and add the harden money without checking the information like it's fake website or not it's government approved or not and top up there money by thinking they will earn money and here the Scammers Wins and Earned Money By scamming you all

➡️How to Protect Us From Being Scammed Of Earning Money online Without 0 investment 👀

Beware of websites and platforms that offer easy money schemes requiring upfront payments or personal information. These can be scams aiming to deceive and exploit users. Genuine ways to earn money online include freelancing✍️, starting an online business, affiliate marketing, and creating and selling products or services. Research thoroughly before engaging in any online money-making opportunity to ensure legitimacy and avoid falling victim to fraudulent schemes. Remember, earning money online usually requires time, effort, and dedication, so be wary of promises of instant wealth with little to no work involved.🙏

Here are simple Ways to Identify How to Research the geniune Websites

1. Research📱: Always research the company or website offering online money-making opportunities. Look for reviews, check for any complaints, and see if the company has a good reputation.

2. Avoiding Website Which shows Earning Money Quick--Be wary of any offers that promise quick and easy money with little to no effort. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

3. Never share personal information💻:Be cautious about sharing personal information, such as social security numbers, bank account details, or passwords 📟with unknown websites or individuals.

4. Secure payments: Use secure payment methods and avoid sending money or giving out credit card information to unknown sources.

5. Beware of phishing: Be cautious of emails or messages asking for personal information or directing you to click on suspicious links. Double-check the sender's email address and look for signs of phishing attempts.

6. Check website security📖: Ensure that the website is secure before entering any sensitive information. Look for HTTPS in the URL and a lock symbol in the address 

8. Trust your instincts: If something feels off or too good to be true, trust your instincts and proceed with caution 📊or avoid it altogether.

9. Stay informed: Keep yourself updated on the latest scams and tactics used by scammers to defraud people online. Awareness is key to staying safe.


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